Useful articles

  1. Felkai P.Medical aspects of air travel
  2. Felkai P.Brief History of Travel Medicine
  3. Felkai P.Travel Related Illnesses
  4. Felkai P.Vaccination
  5. Felkai P.Basic concepts of Travel Medicine
  6. Végh É.Travelers’ Diarrhea
  7. Végh É.Safe Food And Drinks
  8. Végh É.Malaria Prophylaxis
  9. Felkai P.Travel medicine in Eastern Europe- the Hungarian way. Travel Med Infect Dis.2008, 6,4, 195-200
  10. Felkai P.Az utazással kapcsolatos megbetegedések megelőzésének elemzése az utazási orvostan legújabb eredményei
    alapján [ Analysis of prevention in travellers diseases on the basis of latest results in travel medicine ] Orvosi Hetilap 2008 149,36, 1707-1712
  11. Felkai P.: Charles W. Clements: New Methods for Practice Oriented Post Graduate Medical Education:
    Training of a Ski- Camp Doctor in Hungary. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine 2008,19,2,134-139
  12. Felkai P.Repülőtéri biztonság kontra betegbiztonság? A „sickurity” problémája [Are the flight security measures good for the patients? The “sickurity” problem] Orvosi Hetilap 151, 41,1702-1707
  13. Felkai P.Pszichiátriai beteg – a legkiszolgáltatottabb utazó[Psychotic patient: the most helpless traveller] Orvosi Hetilap 2011, 152, 4,131-138

pre-travel advices

Travelling abroad, mostly to exotic regions, means numerous risk factors.

Although, these can be reduced with a ceartain amount of precaution.

Choosing the page can be read the advices of our Medical Director, based on his decades long travelling medical experience. Paying attention to these rules, travelling will be flawless adventure.